

Public Sub Initialize(ByRef TheFCApplication As FCApplication, _

                      ByRef TheFCSession As FCSession)




The Initialize method is used to establish the relationship between the FCCQ object and the FCApplication and FCSession objects.  This method must be called before calling any of the other API methods.






Parameter Name                Required?             Description                                                                                                          

TheFCApplication               Yes                         The FCApplication Object

TheFCSession                      Yes                         The FCSession Object







·         Create the necessary objects, and initialize the FCCQ object


Visual Basic:


Dim FCApp     As New FCApplication

Dim FCSession As FCSession

Dim FCCQ      As New CQ


FCApp.WorkingDirectory = "c:\temp"


Set FCSession = FCApp.CreateSession

FCSession.Login "sa", "sa", "user"

FCSession.ThrowErrors = False

FCCQ.Initialize FCApp, FCSession


'Now any of the API methods on FCCQ can be called


'When finished, destroy the FCCQ object

Set FCCQ = Nothing




var FCApp = Server.CreateObject("FCFLCompat.FCApplication");

var FCCQ = Server.CreateObject("FCCompatToolkit.CQ");

FCApp.WorkingDirectory = "C:\\temp";


var FCSession = FCApp.CreateSession();

FCSession.Login("sa", "sa", "user");

FCSession.ThrowErrors = false;

FCCQ.Initialize(FCApp, FCSession);


//Now any of the API methods on FCCQ can be called


//When finished, destroy the FCCQ object

FCCQ = null;